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Scitec nutrition Whey Protein Professional 2350 g

Odżywka białkowa Scitec nutrition Whey Protein Professional to uzupełnienie codziennej diety każdego sportowca w niezbędne białko. Dzięki temu szybciej osiągniesz wymarzoną muskulaturę, a po treningu Twoje mięśnie będą potrzebować krótszego czasu na regenerację.

Producent: Scitec Nutrition
Już od 189,18 zł Normalna cena 210,20 zł
Taniej o - 10%
8,05 zł / 100 g
Najniższa cena w okresie 30 dni przed promocją: 189,00 zł
Żadna promocja nie trwa wiecznie ;) Złóż zamówienie, zanim cena produktu wzrośnie!
Wysyłka w ciągu 24h.
Dostawa od 10.99 zł.
Darmowa wysyłka od 199 zł.
Bezpieczne płatności oraz 14 dni na zwrot bez podawania przyczyny.
Nasi konsultanci chętnie pomogą dobrać produkty do Twoich potrzeb.

Whey Protein Professional: Twoje wsparcie na siłowni

Jeśli jesteś miłośnikiem aktywności fizycznej i dużo czasu poświęcasz na ciężkie treningi na siłowni, mamy dla Ciebie coś specjalnego. Whey Protein Professional od Scitec Nutrition to propozycja dla profesjonalnych sportowców, ale także dla amatorów, którzy sport traktują rekreacyjnie.

Whey Protein Professional to odżywka białkowa, w której znajdziesz mieszankę jakościowych koncentratów i izolatów białkowych. Produkt ten dostarczy do Twojego organizmu wszystkich niezbędnych aminokwasów: histydyna, izoleucyna, leucyna, lizyna, metionina, fenyloalanina, treonina, tryptofan, walina. W skład wchodzą także enzymy trawienne: papaina, bromelaina. Gwarantujemy, że wyjątkowy bananowy smak stanie się Twoim ulubionym. Duża pojemność, bo aż 920 g pozwoli Ci cieszyć się tym wyjątkowym smakiem bardzo długo.


Korzyści Stosowania Whey Protein Professional:

  • Szybsze osiągnięcie celów treningowych
  • Zwiększenie siły i wytrzymałości
  • Skuteczniejsza regeneracja mięśni
  • Dbanie o tkankę kostną

Whey Protein Professional od Scitec Nutrition to produkt, który pomoże Ci osiągnąć Twoje cele na siłowni. To specjalna odżywka białkowa, która dostarczy Twoim mięśniom niezbędnych składników odżywczych.

Jak stosować Whey Protein Professional?

Wystarczy wymieszać jedną porcję (30 g) z 250 ml wody lub mleka. Prosty sposób na dostarczenie organizmowi potrzebnego białka.

Skład odżywki białkowej Scitec Nutrition Whey Protein Professional

30 g 100 g
Kalorie 484 kJ / 114 kcal 1614 kJ / 382 kcal
Tłuszcz 1,80 g 5,90 g
- w tym nasycone 1,0 g 3,2 g
Węglowodany 2,50 g 8,40 g
- w tym cukier 1,8 g 5,9 g
Białko 22 g 73 g
Sól 0,39 g 1,3 g

Skład odżywki białkowej
Substancja Ilość w 30 g Ilość w 100 g
Tauryna 990 mg 3300 mg
L-Glutamina 500 mg 1667 mg
L-Arginina 414 mg 1378 mg
L-Leucyna 100 mg 333 mg
Bromelaina 13 mg 43 mg
Papaina 13 mg 43 mg
Kofeina*** 80 mg 267 mg

Skład aminokwasów odżywki białkowej
Aminokwas Ilość w 100 g
L-histydyna 1,3 g
L-Izoleucyna 4,0 g
L-leucyna 7,7 g
L-lizyna 6,4 g
L-metionina 1,6 g
L-fenyloalanina 2,2 g
L-treonina 4,5 g
L-tryptofan 1,2 g
L-valin 3,9 g
L-arginina 3,2 g
L-cysteina 2,2 g
L-glutamina 13,7 g
L-prolina 3,8 g
L-tyrozyna 2,1 g
L-alanina 3,3 g
kwas L-asparaginowy 7,4 g
Glycine 1,2 g
L-seryna 3,3 g
Total BCAAs 15,6 g

banana: Instant Whey Proteins 89% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

chocolate: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Fat-Reduced Cocoa Powder, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

chocolate-cookies&cream: Instant Whey Proteins 88% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Fat-Reduced Cocoa Powder, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

chocolate-coconut: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Fat-Reduced Cocoa Powder, Taurine 3.3%, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

choco-hazelnut: Instant Whey Proteins 86% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Fat-Reduced Cocoa Powder, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

strawberry: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy) ]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Acid (Citric Acid), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg), colour (Ponceau 4R2).

2Ponceau 4R: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.

strawberry-white chocolate: Instant Whey Proteins 86% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Acid (Citric Acid), Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Beetroot Concentrate Powder [Maltodextrin, Beetroot Concentrate, Acid (Citric Acid)], Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

Ice coffee: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, Instant Coffee 2%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), Caffeine 0.17%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

kiwi banana: Instant Whey Proteins 89% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

Coconut: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Flavourings, Coconut Shreds 2.5%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

lemon cheesecake: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, Skimmed Quark Powder (Milk), L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Yoghurt Powder (Milk), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

peanut butter: Instant Whey Proteins 86% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavouring, Taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Colour (Ammonia Caramel), Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Sucralose, Acesulfame K), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

pistachio: Instant Whey Proteins 87% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Sucralose,Acesulfame K), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Colours [Ammonia Caramel, Copper Complexes of Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins], Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

salty caramell: Instant Whey Proteins 86% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, Salt 2%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Colour (Ammonia Caramel), Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Sucralose, Acesulfame K), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

vanilla: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, Yoghurt Powder (Milk), L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

vanilla veryberry: Instant Whey Proteins 87% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg), Colours (Carmoisine2, Brilliant Blue FCF).

2Carmoisine: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.

Piña Colada: Instant whey proteins 86% {whey protein concentrate (milk) [whey protein concentrate (milk), emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], whey protein isolate (milk) [whey protein isolate (milk), emulsifier (lecithins)]}, taurine 3.3%, flavourings, coconut shreds, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, salt, thickener (xanthan gum), sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, acid (citric acid), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), bromelain from pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), papain from papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg), colour (tartrazine1).

1Tartrazine: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.

Pumpkin spice latte: Instant whey proteins 85% {whey protein concentrate (milk) [whey protein concentrate (milk), emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], whey protein isolate (milk) [whey protein isolate (milk), emulsifier (lecithins)]}, taurine 3.3%, flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, instant coffee 1%, pumpkin powder 1%, paprika preparation [maltodextrin, humectant (glycerol), paprika (Capsicum annuum) fruit extract, emulsifier (citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids), antioxidants (fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol), sunflower oil], salt, thickener (xanthan gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, sweeteners (sucralose, acesulfame K), colour (ammonia caramel), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), bromelain from pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), papain from papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

White chocolate: Instant Whey Proteins 87% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, flavourings, taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, salt, thickener (xanthan gum), sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), bromelain from pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), papain from papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).

Pistachio white chocolate: Instant whey proteins 87% {whey protein concentrate (milk) [whey protein concentrate (milk), emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], whey protein isolate (milk) [whey protein isolate (milk), emulsifier: lecithins (soy)]}, flavourings, taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, salt, thickener (xanthan gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, sweeteners (sucralose, acesulfame K), bromelain from pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), papain from papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg), colour (copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, peanuts, nuts, celery, fish, crustacean, molluscs and sulphur dioxide containing foods

Chocolate Cake: whey proteins 82% {whey protein concentrate (milk), instant whey protein isolate (milk) [whey protein isolate (milk), emulsifier: lecithins (soy)]}, fat-reduced cocoa powder, taurine 3.3%, flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, cocoa extract preparation [maltodextrin, cocoa (Theobroma cacao) bean extract, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide)], salt, thickener (xanthan gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, sweeteners (acesulfame K, cyclamates), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), bromelain from pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), papain from papaya 0.07%(1.5 FIP U/mg). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, peanuts, nuts, celery, fish, crustacean, molluscs and sulphur dioxide containing foods.

Spożywać 1-3 porcje dziennie, najlepiej po treningu.

1 porcja: 30 g

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Scitec nutrition Whey Protein Professional 2350 g
Już od 189,18 zł Normalna cena 210,20 zł
Taniej o - 10%
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Scitec nutrition Whey Protein Professional 2350 g